
Facts and figures of our alumni volunteer programme

The application period for the International Alumni Volunteer Programme 2021-2023 was open in August for the Alumni Network Hungary members and final year students. Here are some details about our new, diverse and professional community, which improved our network in 2021.

Meet our alumni volunteers: Raghawendra Sisodia

The time has come to introduce our international alumni volunteer team with 34 people from 17 countries speaking 23 different languages. In this chapter of our volunteer series, you can read Raghawendra Sisodia’s story from India! He did his doctoral research in Hungary between 2017-2021 at the University of Miskolc, and now he continues his academic carrier.

Start a new chapter in your life: become our alumni volunteer!

Connections, networks, personal relationships are the keywords of our today’s society, but people often underestimate the value of personal connections and become passive. Yet if they make just a little effort it can have a big impact on their lives. Some of our volunteers built their alumni chapters and discover great members of Alumni Network Hungary. Join us for the next two years and find your alumni chapter or create a new one!

Improve your communication skills as our alumni volunteer!

Communication is an essential part of our life and it can be a creative process to inspire others. Among our volunteer works you can find different types of communication and promotion ideas and you can follow how they share their experiences. Besides common workshops, you have a chance to develop your communication skills as our volunteer. Join us for the next two years and inspire others with your work!

Mobilize the Alumni Network Hungary as our volunteer!

A network can only live as long its members are part of an active and creative community. Everything starts with small groups, even our alumni network is growing day by day and has already reached more than 6000 people. Our volunteer team has an essential part in network mobilization through various meetings and workshops. Join our volunteer team for the next two years and become our network mobilizers!

Become our International Alumni Volunteer!

As an international alumni volunteer, you can get benefits from the Alumni Network Hungary to build your carrier. Either you search for your first volunteer project as a fresh graduate, or you are an experienced volunteer, the Alumni network Hungary has a wide range of opportunities to find your place. Join our volunteer team for the next two years and be our network mobilizers!

Meet our alumni volunteers: Zahra Fuladvand

The time has come to introduce our international alumni volunteer team with 34 people from 17 countries speaking 23 different languages. In the third chapter of our volunteer series, you can read Zahra Fulandvan’s story from Iran! She began her doctoral studies in 2017 at the Hungarian University of Fine Art and now she’s working on her dissertation and her final art project to receive the degree.

Meet our alumni volunteers: Ayaz Shaikh

The time has come to introduce our international alumni volunteer team with 34 people from 17 countries speaking 23 different languages. In this part of our volunteer series, you can read Ayaz Shaikh’s story from India! He’s doing his doctoral studies in Hungary at the University of Debrecen and his research is about honey product development in Hungary and India.

Volunteer news: Volunteer Workplan 2021 meeting

Planning is the matter! As you remember I had short meetings with most of you where I collected many great ideas regarding your activities. Here you can get the information about the Volunteer Workplan 2021 and Sharkhel Hawre and Ayaz Shaikh shared their opinion about the meeting.

We can meet again on 7 May where we introduce our tutorial on how to organize an alumni meeting! 

The network mobilizers: our alumni volunteers

The network can only be alive if the members are part of an active and creative community. Everything starts with small groups, even our alumni network is growing day by day and now has almost 5000 members. The same goes for our alumni volunteer group: today it consists of 30 enthusiastic people from 15 countries. Let's take a look behind the scenes and read this short summary of our volunteer programme.